Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Hi readers! I finally found the time to combine my blog and my website into one site.  You can now follow The Ultimate WAH Momma here!

Monday, September 29, 2014

Seperation Anxiety... will it end?! I need help..

Hi friends!!   I realized it has been awhile since my last post.  I just wanted to update you all on how things are going.  The cleaning service I started for myself has been excellent! I have gained quite a few clients and everyone is very happy with my work which makes me very happy :) I am however dealing with some separation anxiety with my girls.  Over this past weekend they cried at least 20 different times saying "I DON'T WANT TO GO TO SCHOOOOOL!!"  *Sigh* I hate this part of parenting.. making your kids do something that gives them such anxiety really sucks!!! Is anyone else dealing with this with their kids??  This is not just a "I don't wanna go to school" and then they get over it type of thing.. I am literately dealing with meltdowns every single morning before dropping them off to Kindergarten and Preschool. What are some ways you parents deal with this?? I've explained to them both that this is their "job" just like mommy and daddy have jobs .. school is their jobs and they need to go and make friends and have fun and learn just like every kid does.. but that isn't helping them cope.  I need some good mommy advice on how to help my girls do better when I drop them off.   Both of their teachers say they do great through-out the day and they interact with other kids and they don't cry.. its mainly at drop off and before drop off that they are falling apart and screaming "don't make me gooo!!"  So any advice from my fellow moms and dads who have experienced this would be appreciated!! What did you do to help your child get over "leaving mommy" in the mornings??  Thanks in advance for any advice :) I hope everyone is doing well!!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

I'm still alive!

Sorry I've been away for so long friends! I have had a lot going on lately.. My oldest daughter started Kindergarten this week and that has been really hard on her.  I think the hardest thing to do as a parent is to physically walk away from your child who's screaming "MOMMA DON'T LEAVE ME AT SCHOOL!!!" because you know you have to and there isn't anything you can do about it.  I know this will eventually pass.. Its just been a rough week for her and I both and for her little sister who misses her big sissy dearly while shes at school.  But..  I do have some good news to share with everyone that I'm pretty excited about.. I have also started a new adventure for myself :) I have realized that I can't do any of the customer service jobs that pay weekly or bi-weekly from home because I still have my 3 year old who isn't in school yet.  Money was getting VERY tight around our household and I wasn't making enough online to help my husband with bills.  I started thinking one day that I have tons of experience in cleaning (both residential and commercial) so I decided to start my own cleaning service.  I went out and purchased a bunch of cleaning supplies (and my mom donated some.. thanks mom!!) I then put an ad on Craigslist describing my experience and what I had to offer and the e-mails just started flowing in!!  It has truly been a blessing and an AMAZING adventure!!! I have been gaining clients quickly and working a lot in the past few weeks but its all been worth it! I am so so so glad I started this and I encourage those mom's out there who have cleaning experience to give it a shot to.  I just love it!  I can work my cleaning appointments around the kids schedules, I get paid what I am worth and I get to determine my own prices,  I only clean for a few hours each day so I have minimal daycare costs (especially now with one in school), and I have the opportunity to help other busy moms and dads enjoy their time with their children, it is amazing!  I have gained a few weekly, bi-weekly, and once a month clients which is all I needed to stay busy.   I even have a job offer I may or may not be taking on in the next week that wants me to clean 3 days a week!  I do want to warn you if you try this, to seriously research any leads that come from Craigslist!  I have had a few scamers come across which you can usually tell from their first e-mail its a fake.  I Google every address and I use Google maps and do the "street view" so I know exactly where I am going with every client that I do work for.  I also make sure to have a phone conversation with the person before I come to their home.  If I am leary at all.. I have my husband come with me to do an initial meet.  If he can't come with me, I make sure I text him when I arrive inside the home with the address in case anything happens.. this way he knows exactly where I am.  I mainly wanted to post this to let all my readers know what I have been up to lately and to say that I may not be posting as much now due to my new business adventures :)  I'm hoping I will have more time to still do product reviews and find jobs for you all.. But my e-mail is always open.. so if anyone wants/needs to contact me I will respond asap!  I hope everyone else is having a great week and thanks for reading my random ramblings ;)   

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

DIY Butterfly cup puppets! Toddler Craft

Hmmm.. Another rainy day in Michigan..So we decided to get crafty today! We are sharing how to make your own butterfly cup puppets!  These are super cute, fun to make, and fun to play with :)

Here is what you will need:
1. Plastic cups
2. Glue
3. White paper (we used printer paper, you can also use construction paper)
4. Scissors
5. Pipe cleaners
6. Paint, markers, or crayons
7. Black construction paper

*I started by laying the cup down on the white paper and making a line along the top and bottom of the cup so you know how big to make the wings. 
*With the lines in place draw a "B" on each side so it looks like butterfly wings.  Cut the wings out and hand them to the kids to decorate.
*While they are decorating the wings (let them paint or color the wings how ever they want to) Make the slits in the top of the cup with scissors for the butterfly antennas.
*Cut one full pipe cleaner into 4's so you have short pipe cleaners.  Stick two in each cup for the antennas. **Note: Bend/twist the pipe cleaners together inside the top of the cup to keep them from falling out while they fly around. 
*I then let the kids cut out the eyes (On the black construction paper) for the butterfly and let them to glue the eyes on and they drew the mouth on with a black marker.
*If your kids painted the butterfly wings, let the wings dry a little, then glue the wings on the back of the cup.
*Your butterflies should now look like this:
That is what the back should look like..

There you have it! Butterfly cup puppets!! Once the glue drys these butterflies are ready to fly around the house! Here is a picture of my girls enjoying their butterflies :) 
And here's a close-up:
Have fun creating these cute butterfly cup puppets!!

Monday, August 18, 2014

DIY Sunshine paper plate- Toddler Craft

Today we are sharing how to make a Sunshine paper plate craft. Perfect craft for Toddlers and Preschoolers.

 Here is what you need:
1. Paper plates
2. Glue
3. Scissors
4. Markers and paint
5. Googly eyes
6. Tape (if you don't have glue)
7. Yellow Construction paper

*Start by letting the kids color or paint the back of the paper plate yellow.  Cover the whole plate in yellow.
*While the kids were coloring their plates I took that time to cut out the Sunshine Rays.  Cut the construction paper into 1 inch wide strips.  I needed 6 long strips and 3 long strips cut in half for each Sunshine (paper plate). Your construction paper should look like this when finished:
*Once the kids are done decorating the paper plate its time to glue the Sunshine Rays on.
*Flip the paper plate over (so now its right side up) and begin gluing (or taping) the 6 long strips to the paper plate. We placed the strips so they were touching the inside circle of the plate.
*Do the same for the shorter strips.  Do this in the pattern of long strip, short strip, long strip, short strip, ect. Like this:

*Once that is done let the glue dry a bit and flip it over to make the Sunshine's face.  Glue the googly eyes in place and let the kids paint on the smile. 
*My girls wanted to hang their Sunshine's up so I found this white ribbon:
*To make a good looking loop hole you should use a paper hole puncher.  I couldn't find mine at the moment so I just used the scissors and cut a hole in the top of the plate.  Then placed the ribbon through the hole and tied a knot in it.
*Now you can hang your beautiful Sunshines!
I hope you and your little ones enjoy creating Sunshine! :)

Friday, August 15, 2014

DIY paper plate clown face- Toddler Craft

My girls love our "Craft Hour" each morning.  Today we wanted to share how to make a paper plate clown face.                                                                           
                                                                                  Here is what you will need:

1. Paper plates
2. Pom Poms
3. Paint or markers
4. Glue
5. A craft stick (or Popsicle stick)
6. Tape (optional)                                          

*Start by letting the kids choose if they want pom pom eyes and nose or just painted eyes and a pom pom nose. My girls had to do the opposite of each other today so I'll show you both lol.
*If you are doing pom pom eyes, help them glue the pom poms in place first.  If you are doing painted eyes let the kids paint their eyes on first.
*Once the eyes are in place glue a larger pom pom in the middle for a nose.
*Once the eyes and nose are in place, let the kids paint on the mouth.
My girls agreed on one thing today and that was a painted red mouth (Makayla still had to be different and add teeth).  
*You can also use the pom poms to make hair for the clown like Makayla did on hers:

*Or you can leave your clowns hair alone like Kyleigh did:

But Kyleigh had to add pom pom ears and feet to hers :)
*Once their clown faces are complete, glue the craft stick to the back of the plate.  I noticed this wasn't very sturdy so I also put a strip of tape over the stick to keep it from moving around.
There you have it! Clown Face paper plates! The girls loved this craft so much they each made about 6 of them and decorated each one differently.  I loved this craft as well because it was made with stuff we already had laying around the house!  If you don't have an endless supply of craft stuff laying around.. I have some you can purchase in bulk on my amazon store.

Have fun making your own clown faces! 

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

DIY Music Maker for Toddlers

What a gloomy, rainy day is it here today in Wyoming, Michigan!! So the girls and I decided to make our own music shakers :) Here is what you will need.
1. Cups- We used foam cups, you can also use plastic. The shakers require 2 cups per shaker.
2. Paint- And some kids to paint them ;) Or you can use markers, crayons, stickers, ect.
3. Tape- I used regular tape, Packaging tape would be ideal
4. Rice- You can also use beans or popcorn kernels.

We started by painting the cups.. Let the kids decorate the cups how ever they would like to! 
After they are done being creative let the cups dry.
Once the cups are dry, fill up one cup about half way with the rice, beans or popcorn kernels.
Place the empty cup on top of the other cup and tape around the meeting point.  Make sure you have a few layers of tape around it so it doesn't bust open.
Now let the kids have them so they can make some music!
My girls loved making these shakers! While I was taping the shakers they put their princess dress-up dresses on, I turned on the music and they had a "Princess Ball" in the living room and had a blast shaking their shakers to the beat of the music.  :)

Monday, August 4, 2014



 I've been pretty busy this past week and weekend trying to gather up and mark things for a yard sale I'm running this week.  Keep your eye out for my Garage Sale Tips.. But anyway,  I had to take a break from that and do a blog post on this amazing site I found.   I just had to share this with all my fellow crafters!  Craftsy is a craft-lovers dream website.. They offer online how-to courses for tons of crafts such as:
  • Quilting
  • Cake Decorating
  • Knitting
  • Photography
  • *Embroidery
  • Drawing
  • Sewing
  • Paper crafts
  • Painting
  • Crocheting
  • Gardening
  • Jewerly
  • Food/Cooking
  • Woodworking
  • Weaving
  • Spinning
You can watch the courses on your own time and your access to the course never expires! Not only do they offer the classes but they also offer Kits and Craft Supplies in the area listed above. Craftsy offers all of this, plus they have an online community where members can share their patters, projects and their own free how-to's!  Recipes are available at Craftsy for the Bakers and Chefs as well.

Craftsy didn't stop there..

Craftsy also offer's an Affiliate Program!! WHAT?! Yes.. Get paid for referring people to one of the most popular craft sites online!

Join Craftsy’s Affiliate Program Today
Program Highlights
  • 30% commission on course sales
  • 10% commission on product sales
  • $1 for every new registered Craftsy account
  • 30 day cookie
  • $10 affiliate referrals: Invite your website-owning and blogging friends to join the Craftsy affiliate program and earn $10 for each friend who's approved.
If you have a blog or a website you can join today! This site is seriously AMAZING!! Not only do they teach you how to make crafts at home that you can sell to make an income for yourself but they also provide you with an income through their Affiliate Program.  If you love crafting.. no matter what it is.. Craftsy will have something for you!  As an added bonus.. if you join their Affiliate Program (which is 100% Free to join) they will give you a Free Craftsy course of your choosing up to a $49.99 value! I told you.. this website is amazing! I will post a review of their online course I received for free soon so check back for that.  In the meantime.. have fun surfing around on Craftsy!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Are you a blogger with too many passwords and Id's to remember?? I know I have a ton and I hate spending 20 minutes trying to log into an account because I forgot my user name and password.  So, I've created a user id list printable to keep all those user id's and passwords organized and in one place.  This printable isn't as fancy as some of the ones I have seen on Pinterest, but this one is free to download and does the same job as the other fancy ones.  I created this in Microsoft Word.  I also have a few more blogger printables that I have created, you can download them all for free on my website.  Click HERE to visit my printables page and get organized! :)
Do you need a certain printable you can't find online for free?? Let me know what you need on the printable and I can create one for you. Here is a look at the User ID List you can download on my site.
Have fun getting organized! :)

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

DIY Pen Holder

My girls decided they wanted to share a room.  I didn't put up a fight because I have been secretly waiting for them to share a room so I can finally have my own office ;)   I discovered after I moved into the office that I needed a place to put all my pens and pencils.  I'm more of a DIYer than a "go out and buy it" type of person so I decided to make my own pen/pencil holder and get the kids involved in the project to! I keep all of our used tin cans (whether its from canned veggies or spaghetti O's) I wash them out and store them in a box in the garage for ideas, such as this, that pop in my head.  So here's a tutorial on how to make your own pen/pencil holder or have your kids design you one.

Here is everything you will need:
*Cleaned and dried tin can
*Blank printer paper (you can also use scrapbook paper with designs on it or fabric)
*Hot glue gun
*If you are letting your kids create one for you, you will need their crayons, markers, and/or stickers.

1. Start by laying the tin can on its side.  I used a black crayon and drew a line where the can opens on one end and a line where the can ends at the bottom.  Then wrap the paper around the can.  Draw another line where the paper meets together on the other side of the can.  Cut on the guide lines you just drew so the paper will wrap around the can perfectly with no overhang.  
It should look like this when finished cutting.
2.  If you are letting the kids design your pen holder, take the paper off now and let them design away.  My girls colored pictures of our family on their papers and decorated them with stickers.  You can also use scrap-book paper with cute designs to match the colors of your office if you want a more sophisticated holder.
 3.  Once the kids are happy with their pictures you can plug in the glue gun!  Once its heated up, apply a strip of glue from the top of the can to the bottom of the can where the paper will meet.  Then make strips of glue around the entire can.  Try doing that as quick as possible so the glue doesn't dry.
4. Grab your paper the kids created and wrap it around the can.  Try to smooth out the glue with the paper.  Once I had the paper placed the way I wanted it, I used a strip of clear tape and put it over the meeting point for the paper in the back.  This is optional, The paper will stay in place with the glue but the tape gives it more of a smooth finished look on the back. If you used scrap-book paper, finish it by attaching a ribbon around the can.  That's it! Now put it on your desk, add some pens and pencils and Enjoy! :)

(I got lucky.. I started with no pen holder and the girls enjoyed the project so much that I ended up with 3! lol)
**Update:  I wanted to show you how you can make these cut pen holders with fabric as well.  You follow the same steps as above just using fabric instead.  I didn't have any cute fabric patterns left so I used an old Onesie I found in the girls old baby clothes box in the garage!  Here is a picture of the one I made :) And  yes this means I now have 4 pen holders! lol

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Jamberry Nail Review & Giveaway!!!

Today is day 5 with my Jamberry Nails on!  I have to start off by saying that I am in love with these nails! The Jamberry Nail held up way better than my polish as you can see.  I was pretty busy this week and did a lot of projects around the house.  I moved my kids bedrooms around and organized my garage which caused a lot of dings and chips on my painted nails but it didn't phase the Jamberry Nail.  My family had a cook-out this week and I played 3 rounds of Horseshoes (and I beat the guys while I was at it ;) which also didn't bother the wrapped nail but it faded and chipped the painted nails. I should also mention the pink polish is a more expensive polish and in 5 days its already chipping, cracking and fading. I spend a LOT of time painting and making designs on my nails and the Jamberry Nails have the professional look everyone wants but the ability to let anyone apply them. The wraps were so easy to apply and after 5 days of comparing the wrap to polish I want to be a Jamberry Consultant so I can have these wraps on all the time! Speaking of a Jamberry Consultant, I wanted to mention Melissa.  She is the one who sent me these free samples of Jamberry Nails. Here are a few words from Melissa describing her company and why she became a consultant:
 Jamberry started as a company back in 2010 by 3 sisters, out of Utah, and has just taken off.  I am very happy with my role as an independent sales person for Jamberry, because it allows me to schedule my work around my life (which is great with having a 5 month old), instead of scheduling my life around my job.  Plus its a community of loving and supportive women who are always willing to build you up and support you in any way possible. Jamberry offers a sales structure set up similarly to Mary Kay or Scentsy, however we have less than 20K consultants right now, and Scentsy has over 350K.  Jamberry is gaining momentum very quickly, with national recognition in magazines and on Good Morning America.  I personally became a consultant because I love the product so much.  I am definitely not a sales person of any kind, but this product actually sells itself. I really wanted to be able to wear the nail wraps, because I have a 5 month old daughter who loves to suck on my fingers, so I wasn't willing to wear nail polish, because I didn't want her to ingest any of it.  These wraps are non-toxic, gluten, soy and dairy free, and when applied and removed properly, they will not damage your nails.  They can last up to 2 weeks on fingers and as many as 6 weeks on toes, all with no chipping. I am very excited not only about being able to have nice nails on days when I can't even get dressed (yet my nails still look super cute!!), but the opportunity to work from home and not only bring in extra income, but to be able to offer this to other women who want to stay at home. I have decided to also focus on informing others about this great opportunity just because it has been such a wonderful experience for me.  I never pictured myself a stay at home mom, I have always been either at work or in school, so to actually find a stay at home job that is not a scam (I almost got scammed right before I took this current job but I caught on before I did anything too dumb), and has a product that I enjoy, doing work that I am good at, is great! Here is Melissa's website:
I hope you enjoyed the review's on this amazing work at home opportunity and their great product! Here is the link for the giveaway I know you all have been waiting for! :) a Rafflecopter giveaway
Enter to win your own set of Jamberry Nails.. here is the style:


Friday, July 18, 2014

Home Business Ideas

Not really into Home parties or a MLM business?  You can start your own Home Business! Brainstorm and write down your passions and talents.  See if you can turn any of your ideas into a work at home business.  I've added some small work at home business ideas to my website to get you started.  Check them out here!  

Monday, July 14, 2014

Jamberry Nails 5 day challenge

I'm so excited to share not only this product but this work at home opportunity with all of you! I've been talking with Melissa who sells Jamberry Nails and I offered to do the 5 day Jamberry Nail Challenge here on my blog to show how awesome their products are!  The 5 day challenge is simple.  She sent me a sample wrap that I cut in half and applied to one finger on each hand.  I then painted the rest of my nails with my expensive nail polish.  This is a picture of my nails on day one.  I will take another picture on day 5 so you can see the results!
Applying the wrap the my nail was very simple.  She sent me detailed instructions on how to apply it.
*First gather your "tools" You will need alcohol wipes, a cuticle pusher, your Jamberry Nails set and a blow dryer.
*You start by taking your old nail polish off.
*Then you push back your cuticles.  I have a nice cuticle remover cream that I got for Christmas in a nail kit ( yes, I do my nails so much my mom bought me a really nice 75 piece nail kit for Christmas last year :) So I used that and a cuticle pusher to push them back. 
*Once I was done with pushing back all my cuticles I used an alcohol wipe that she sent me to clean all my nails.
*Then you match up your nails and the wraps and see what nail works best with each wrap.  I wanted to accent my ring finger so I cut my strip in half to put it on both ring fingers.
*You then peel off the wrap from the plastic and set it on your finger nail.  Dont press down yet!
*Grab your blow dryer and heat up the wrap (for 3-5 seconds) to make it soft and flexible.
*Then press the wrap onto your nail.  Use your cuticle pusher to seal the wrap around your cuticle area and smooth the wrap to your nail.
*Trim the top excess with scissors and file it down to meet your nail.
*Once everything is smooth and perfect hit the nail with the blow dryer again for another few seconds to seal and bond the wrap to your nail.
*That's it!!  Its a very simple process and the wraps are super cute!
You can host a party with this company and try out the products yourself with a bunch of your friends or you can sign up to become an Independent Consultant and get started on your own Work At Home Opportunity! I have details about the company on my website and a link if you want to get started! I will update you all in 5 days and show you how my nails look.  Also check back because I will be doing a Giveaway to win a full sheet of Jamberry Nails (which is enough for a full mani and pedi!) on my 5th day update post!! :))

Friday, July 11, 2014

My Site

My website The Ultimate WAH Momma just got a make-over! Head over there and check it out! Also, More work at home opportunities were added! Have fun reading :)

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Home Business Opportunities

Do you want to work at home but not sure where to start??  I added a few more work at home business opportunities & business ideas to my site.  Check them out and let me know if you have any more legitimate ways to work at home!  Visit The Ultimate WAH Momma

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

G-Project Portable Speaker

I am reviewing this G-Project G-Zip portable line-in speaker.  I bought this for my husband on his birthday because he's always listening to his I-Heart radio app. so much to the point his phone speaker broke lol. He LOVES this little speaker!  It is a pretty powerful portable speaker.  It has great sound quality and pumps out some base.  He usually doesn't turn it up full blast and the music can still be heard by the neighbors (its a good thing he has great taste in music ;).  It also has a great battery life.  He uses this speaker everyday (he has had it about 4 months now) and it hasn't lost any battery life.  When it is fully charged it lasts about 8 consecutive hours!  It also has a retractable cord which comes in handy so you aren't tangling and dragging cords around.  The greatest thing about this speaker is the price.  You can get it on my Amazon Site now for only $19.99!! Defiantly worth the money and almost every review on amazon about this speaker is a good review. Great Product!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Do you have what it takes??

Before you take the plug into being a WAH mom you should first see if you have the personality traits needed to be a successful WAH mom. Being a WAH mom can be very rewarding.  You don't have to pay for child care, you can raise your children, you can wear whatever you want to,  and you can be your own boss. But being a WAH mom does have its downfalls.. visit my site to find out if you have what it takes to be a successful WAH :)  The Ultimate WAH Momma

Monday, June 30, 2014

I purchased this Cascade with Clorox dish washing gel packs from Dollar General 2 weeks ago.  I normally use the liquid dish washing detergent but these were about the same price so I wanted to give them a try.  I only paid $3.50 for the bag of 16 gel packs and I normally pay $3 for the liquid dish washing detergent. When I used the liquid detergent my glasses and plates always came out with white spots and food still stuck on them. I have been using these gel packs for 2 weeks now and they work great! NONE of my dishes come out with spots on them or stuck on food.  Everything comes out sparkling clean and sanitized. Here's a picture of a glass right out of the dish washer.

 I like the lemon scent to them as well.  It makes the whole kitchen smell "clean" when the dish washer is done.  I don't think I will ever go back to the liquid dish detergent after using these.. especially for only 50 cents more!  Great product :)

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Power wheels review

I have to do a review on the power wheel's jeep we bought for our girls for Christmas. We spent $250 on this jeep and it was honestly the best $250 we've ever spent!! Here is a pic of them having a blast:

We bought the jeep at Walmart and I purchased the 3 year protection plan with it in case anything happens.   It has great battery life. My girls will get about 2-3 consistent hours worth of drive time out of it before it needs to be plugged in (I should mention this is driving through the back yard with a lot of grass which uses more power). The jeep comes with a 12-volt battery. It has two speeds (low and high) and also has reverse. It comes with the nice princess stickers to. My girls LOVE this jeep! This is the only thing they every want to play with and will play with it for hours. Every parent should buy one of these for their kids.. you'll be "the best mom ever" if you do! ;)

Monday, June 23, 2014

It works face mask review

I am reviewing an It Works face mask today.  I went to an It Works party Saturday night and I found out what a great company they are!! You can be a distributor for just $99 and the kit includes wraps, catalogs, and training materials to get you started.  Both my aunt and my mom are selling It Works and they are both making really good money doing this.  My aunt is making enough income to work from home and she's gaining new customers and distributors everyday.  The products pretty much sell themselves because they are all amazing.  A girl at the party lost 4 inches with just one wrap! Now on to the face mask I tried.  I have a major issue with acne and I've tried A LOT of products for this.  I've never seen results like this.  The mask itself was a combination of their "greens" powder and the defining gel.  You mix the two together in a small bowl so its a paste like material and apply with your finger to your face.  I'll warn you... you will be pretty green! lol. You wear the mask for about 45 minutes.  It does harden on your face and it will feel tight.  After the 45 minutes you just wash it off with water and your done.  This made my face feel AH-Mazing!! It is very soft even still today.  It got rid of the redness on my forehead and it reduced the amount of pimples I have by a lot!  I had some left over to use again this week so I will post before and after pictures soon :)  If you would like to know more information about It Works visit my website and click the It Works link on my "work from home" page.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Avon firm and restore lotion review

My first product review has to be an Avon product.. mainly because I love Avon products and I sell them!

I started using this skin so soft firming lotion from Avon a few weeks ago.  The bottle says to use twice per day on target area's you want to firm (hips, buttocks, & waist).  The bottle also says you should see results with in 2 weeks.  I used it as directed and it really does work!  I can tell my skin is more firm and toned in the area's I applied it.  The lotion also keeps my skin moist all day.  Even after washing my hands constantly they still felt like I just applied the lotion.  This doesn't make your skin feel oily or greasy and it has a great smell.  I personally love this product and would recommend it to anyone! You can purchase this here: Check back for more reviews!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Visit my website!

I have started a website to help all my fellow work at home moms!
visit me here :

I have information on my site about how to work from home.  Make sure you check out my stores and see if there is anything you like :)