Thursday, September 4, 2014

I'm still alive!

Sorry I've been away for so long friends! I have had a lot going on lately.. My oldest daughter started Kindergarten this week and that has been really hard on her.  I think the hardest thing to do as a parent is to physically walk away from your child who's screaming "MOMMA DON'T LEAVE ME AT SCHOOL!!!" because you know you have to and there isn't anything you can do about it.  I know this will eventually pass.. Its just been a rough week for her and I both and for her little sister who misses her big sissy dearly while shes at school.  But..  I do have some good news to share with everyone that I'm pretty excited about.. I have also started a new adventure for myself :) I have realized that I can't do any of the customer service jobs that pay weekly or bi-weekly from home because I still have my 3 year old who isn't in school yet.  Money was getting VERY tight around our household and I wasn't making enough online to help my husband with bills.  I started thinking one day that I have tons of experience in cleaning (both residential and commercial) so I decided to start my own cleaning service.  I went out and purchased a bunch of cleaning supplies (and my mom donated some.. thanks mom!!) I then put an ad on Craigslist describing my experience and what I had to offer and the e-mails just started flowing in!!  It has truly been a blessing and an AMAZING adventure!!! I have been gaining clients quickly and working a lot in the past few weeks but its all been worth it! I am so so so glad I started this and I encourage those mom's out there who have cleaning experience to give it a shot to.  I just love it!  I can work my cleaning appointments around the kids schedules, I get paid what I am worth and I get to determine my own prices,  I only clean for a few hours each day so I have minimal daycare costs (especially now with one in school), and I have the opportunity to help other busy moms and dads enjoy their time with their children, it is amazing!  I have gained a few weekly, bi-weekly, and once a month clients which is all I needed to stay busy.   I even have a job offer I may or may not be taking on in the next week that wants me to clean 3 days a week!  I do want to warn you if you try this, to seriously research any leads that come from Craigslist!  I have had a few scamers come across which you can usually tell from their first e-mail its a fake.  I Google every address and I use Google maps and do the "street view" so I know exactly where I am going with every client that I do work for.  I also make sure to have a phone conversation with the person before I come to their home.  If I am leary at all.. I have my husband come with me to do an initial meet.  If he can't come with me, I make sure I text him when I arrive inside the home with the address in case anything happens.. this way he knows exactly where I am.  I mainly wanted to post this to let all my readers know what I have been up to lately and to say that I may not be posting as much now due to my new business adventures :)  I'm hoping I will have more time to still do product reviews and find jobs for you all.. But my e-mail is always open.. so if anyone wants/needs to contact me I will respond asap!  I hope everyone else is having a great week and thanks for reading my random ramblings ;)   

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